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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I apply the semester that I graduate?

Yes. We accept applications from all students as long as they meet our membership or pledge requirements.​


2. Can I apply if I am not a Communication Arts major?

Yes. We accept applications from all majors. If you do not meet our membership requirements, you are still welcome to apply as a pledge.


3. Are all LPH events open to everyone?

Yes, anyone interested in participating in our events are welcome to attend. You may view our upcoming events through our Instagram page at


4. What are the requirements for membership?

Our requirements for membership are based off of the requirements from the National Communication Association. To view a list of our requirements for membership, please visit the Apply tab on our website.


5. What is the difference between a pledge and a member?

The difference between pledges and members is minimal. Pledges are still able to participate in all events and meetings within the FIU chapter. The only difference between pledges and members is that pledges are unable to participate in any events or apply for positions and scholarships with the NCA. Additionally, pledges do not have a guaranteed membership with the NCA until they apply for membership.


6. If I am a pledge, can I apply for membership when I meet the requirements?

Yes, pledges are welcome to apply for membership anytime they meet the requirements. It is important that pledges stay on top of their application to apply whenever possible.


If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact us at 


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